Hazard Identification (HAZID)

Companies cannot manage or mitigate hazards unless they are aware of them.

A Hazard Identification (HAZID) is a high level review of potential hazards. It is an excellent tool during early stages of facility design to make sure that informed and completed decisions are made regarding process safety. HAZID is typically during the FEED stage of a project.  A HAZID takes a "1000 foot" view of an overall project and considers potential risks related to facility location etc.

SDS has experienced HAZID specialists who have effectively worked with a multi-disciplinary team to facilitate and document the HAZID process. The resultant findings and hazard ratings have helped many SDS clients in the design phase of a facility. SDS specialists document the HAZID in PHA-Pro software to produce a professional, well-organized and thorough final report. When there is insufficient information to determine a hazard scenario, the facilitator will create Action Items assigned to team members.

Keep Calm and Hazop On