PHA-Pro is the world’s leading Process Hazard Analysis (PHA) software.
PHA-Pro is an efficient and flexible software tool that helps SDS facilitators conduct a variety of PHAs including HAZOP, What-If Analysis, Layer of Production Analysis (LOPA) and Safety Integrity Levels Assignment (SIL).
Through its use, SDS will make sure that studies are complete and customized to the specific needs of each client with professional reporting. PHA-Pro is easily configured to support many standards. In fact, SDS has aided organizations in complying with company and industry standards including OSHA 1910.119; Seveso II Directive; Control of Major Accident Hazards (COMAH); IEC 61511; ANSI/ISA S84.00.01, CCPS LOPA, EPA 40 CFR 40 CFR Part 68 RMP, IEC 61882, IEC 61508, CSA Standard Z1000, ABSA AB-525, and Alberta Occupational Health and Safety Code 2009, Part 2 Hazard Assessment, Elimination and Control, and APEGA - Guideline for Management of Risk in Professional Practice.
PHA-Pro is a best-of-class software which reduces total time needed to complete the studies. With its experienced facilitators and the use of PHA-Pro, SDS ensures the time of participants is effectively and efficiently utilized.
Many major oil and gas companies prefer PHA-Pro for their PHA studies. SDS is happy to provide PHA-Pro files for reference to clients.